Lime concrete- advantages and disadvantages

The strength of materials is very important in structures and buildings; hence, individuals active in the construction field have always been searching for ways to improve the physical and mechanical properties to increase their strength. The concrete admixtures were a suitable way for this issue.

The concrete plasticizer is a kind of admixture that acts as a water-reducing admixture in the materials and improves its performance. Adding lime to concrete is one of the best innovations to improve the performance of materials. We want to make you more familiar with lime concrete, and its advantages and applications in this part. 

Familiarity with lime concrete

Lime concrete is a type of material that is obtained by mixing lime, sand, and water. Mortar is one of the traditional building materials which is used in building projects for centuries. However, this product has been known for its durability, strength, and resistance against air and erosion.

This product is made by mixing hydrated lime with sand and water. The lime is a linking agent and keeps sand particles together. Then the mixtures are poured into the molds and let dry. After the lime concrete is dried, it can be used for different types of building projects.

One of the advantages of using this product compared to other types is that it is environmentally friendly and causes less harm to the environment. The production of lime requires less energy than the production of cement which leads to a reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. Also, this product can be recycled or reused at the end of its life cycle.

This product has several advantages compared to the traditional type based on cement. It has lower compressive strength but higher flexibility which makes it ideal to be used for high seismic regions. Also, lime concrete has better insulation properties than concrete with cement which helps reduce the energy expenses in buildings.

In summary, this product is one of the durable and eco-friendly building materials that have several merits for building projects. Therefore, it has a lot of fans among the individuals active in this field. Its unique properties have made it an ideal choice for high seismic regions or places where the insulation properties matter. 

concrete admixtures

The applications of the lime concrete

Lime concrete is one of the versatile and durable building materials is the lime concrete which is used in a wide range of applications. It is made by mixing cement, water, and aggregates such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone. Some of the most common applications of this concrete are provided below:

Building foundation

Concrete is often used to develop strong stable foundations for buildings. it can be used in trenches or poured in molds to create a strong pier to withstand the weight of the structure

Roads and bridges

Generally, they are also used in building roads and bridges. It can be used to create durable road surfaces to withstand heavy traffic and hard weather conditions.

Buildings and structures

Concrete is a popular material for walls, floors, and other structural elements of buildings. It can be molded in different forms to fulfill special design requirements.

Dams and reservoirs

Concrete is usually used in building dams and reservoirs since it has enough strength to withstand the pressure of big volumes of water.

Retaining walls

Concrete retaining walls are usually used to prevent soil erosion and support slopes or feet.

Decorative features

The concrete can also be used for decorative purposes such as sealed concrete patios, pathways, or corridors.

The pre-cast concrete products

The concrete pre-cast concrete products such as tubes, blocks, and panels are produced outside the site and are transferred to the construction site for installation.

Sound obstacles

Concrete sound barriers are often installed beside highways or near residential regions to reduce noise pollution.


Seawalls are often used to protect coastal regions from erosion caused by waves and tides.

Briefly, concrete has numerous applications in the construction industry due to its strength, durability, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness. Its ability to mold in different forms makes it an ideal material to create complicated structures while its durability guarantees its lifespan even in hard conditions and makes it an essential material in the construction industry.

The advantages of lime concrete

Lime concrete is a type of concrete that is made of a mixture of lime, sand, and water. This concrete has several advantages compared to its other types such as:


This product is highly durable and can endure for years without damage. It is resistant to air, erosion, and other forms of damage.


It is also more flexible than other types of concrete which makes it ideal for use in regions with high seismicity. Moreover, it can be used in regions with high soil displacement.


This product is breathable i.e. it lets air and moisture pass through it. This makes it ideal for use in buildings where moisture control is important.


The self-healing of cracks and tiny flaws over time is another advantage of this product. This helps maintain structural integrity and increase its lifetime.   


Lime concrete is another building material that is compatible with the environment. It can be produced by regional materials. Also, it has a lower carbon footprint than the other types of concrete.


This type of concrete has a unique appearance that can make any building or structure attractive.

Generally, this product has several advantages compared to its other types which makes it a perfect choice for a wide range of building projects.

Gaining information in any field leads to an easier and more suitable purchase. We have tried to provide you with beneficial information about lime concrete. Note that the recognition of an authentic set can make your knowledge of the new products and also the way you purchase easier.

With years of experience, we are at your service dear compatriots at Hamgerayan production company (Capco) to provide you with our experiences and knowledge.

These days, almost all active individuals in the field construction industry have turned to purchasing plasticizers; since they increase the quality of materials and the price of the plasticizer is perfectly suitable compared to its quality. It should be noted that you should purchase the plasticizer from an authentic reference to assure its high quality and suitable price. One of the best suggestions to buy such products is the Hamgerayan Production Company (Capco).

With more than 20 years of experience, we have employed an experienced, acknowledged group in our company. You can call the company at 021-89331 for detailed information about this product or other products as well as their price so that the Capco experts guide you completely through the process.

It is suggested to consult with our experienced experts before purchasing the suitable product; since they have technical knowledge and proficiency on the subjects and can provide you with technical consultation to choose the best product. 


The importance of the quality of the materials has made active individuals in this field search for materials with higher strength to increase the durability and lifetime of the structure. The lime concrete is a type of improved concrete and its advantages and applications were fully discussed in this part. You can call Capco Company to gain more complete information and consultation as well as purchase such products.


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