Concrete and Tile Adhesives-CapcoBond EP

Concrete Adhesive Epoxy based on Epoxy Resin (CapcoBond EP)

CapcoBond EP is a concrete adhesive based on the modified resin which is used to bond new concrete to old concrete, concrete to steel and other materials, FRP Sheet installation for retrofitting and coating different types of surfaces and making them impenetrable by high bonding and high mechanical and chemical strengths without shrinkage.

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This product meets the requirements of the ASTM C881 Standard.

The advantages of using the epoxy adhesive
The usage of the adhesive
The instruction to use the epoxy adhesive:
  • Each 1.5 kg two-component packet of this product is usable for 4 to 6 square meters of the area after mixing depending on the porosity and roughness of the surface.
  • The surface beneath the work must be cleaned from any types of contamination and dust. The age of the base concrete must be at least 28 days.
  • It is recommended to use a low-speed mixer (A maximum of 400 rounds per minute). First, component B is added to component A and mixed for 2 minutes to reach a uniform mixture. Also, mixing can be carried out by hand for low volumes.
  • The mixture can be implemented by a brush, trowel, or an airless pistol. It should be noted that all surfaces must be saturated without any sloughing.

Necessary notes for using the product

  • Avoid diluting the product with a solvent.
  • Avoid putting the product in direct exposure to sunlight before mixing
  • Clean the tools with a suitable solvent right after implementation
Physical and Chemical Specifications of the CapcoBond EP:
Safety Precautions When using the product:
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