Concrete Curing Compound-CapCure WS

Concrete Curing Compound (CapCure WS)

CapCure WS is produced based on water and is a solution of the silicate salt inside the water that is used to retain the water inside the concrete pores and prevent its seepage from the surface of the concrete. This product is involved in the hydration reaction of the cement by penetrating the surface of the concrete and makes a strong hard crystalline against water penetration.

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This product is produced based on the general requirements of the Iran National Standard No. 8288. Also, this admixture meets the requirements of the ASTM C309 standard.

The advantages of using the curing compound in concrete
The usage of the curing compound
The allowable range of using the curing compound in the concrete

The allowable range for using The CapCure WS is approximately 1 kg per 6 to 12 square meters. The amount of use of this product depends on the quality of the surface of the concrete and is considered more for porous surfaces. Also, not using this product in the allowable range may result in a reduction in efficiency or developing a flaw in the hydration process.

 The instructions to use the curing compound

This product is diluted and well uniformed with water with a 1-to-1 ratio.

For horizontal surfaces, after troweling and drying the surface water, when the concrete is hard enough to walk on, the diluted solution should be sprayed on the surface. After half an hour, the substance forms a gel that needs water spray and then troweling (Power trowel) for 15 minutes on the surface. After 20 minutes, the gel form will be seen again. Meanwhile, it is necessary to wash the surface and wipe off the excessive amount of CapCure with a suitable tool. For hardened concrete, the surface of the concrete should be washed from possible contaminations and then dried once the molds are opened. The diluted solution should be sprayed on the surface and troweling should be done on the surface for 20 minutes so that the CapCure WS penetrates inside the pores completely. After the gel is formed and the surface is smoothed, the water must be sprayed on it and troweled for 15 minutes, and washed after smoothing with water. For porous surfaces, it is necessary to repeat the operations in two steps.

Physical and Chemical Specifications of the CapCure WS:
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