Groutings-CapGrout EP3

This product is produced by mixing the epoxy resin, hardener, and graded mineral silica with a maximum size of 3 mm. this product is a polymer mortar in which the epoxy polymer is used instead of the cement. The high mechanical and chemical strengths are the features of this product. This product is usually used for construction under dynamic stresses due to its high price. In this type of structure that is under seismic stresses and continuous movements, the cement grout breaks and loses its strength.

This product is produced based on the general requirements of the ASTM C395 Standard for Epoxy resin with silica filler.

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The advantages of using a grout:
The usage of grout:
Scope and Method of Use and advantages

The advantages of the fresh grout:

The details and properties of the fresh grout are as follows:

  • The maximum time of workability at 25˚C temperature: 45 minutes after production
  • The maximum time of hardening at 25˚C temperature: 12 hours after production

The instruction to use the grout:

  • The amount of using grout is obtained with respect to the specific weight f the epoxy grout mixture and the dimensions of the grouting section.
  • The surfaces and holes for grouting must be cleaned from any contaminations, dust, and loose layers. The column plates and other steel material must be cleaned from oil. Also, the lifetime of the base concrete should be at least 28 days.
  • It is recommended to use a mixer with low speed (a maximum of 400 rounds per minute); also, it is better to use an electrical mixer for bigger volumes. First, component A is added to component B and mixed for 2 minutes. Mixing is continued until a uniform mixture is obtained. Then the powder component C is gently added to the mixer while mixing to reach a homogenous mixture (Each 30 kg packet (All components) will approximately have 15 liters volume after mixing).
  • It is better to release the entrapped air before grouting. Grouting must be carried out continuously and from one side. It is better to let the grout harden (about 12 hours) before opening the molds. If the thickness of grouting is more than 100 mm it must be done in different layers, therefore, grouting for each layer must be done after 8 hours from the previous grouting.

Necessary Notes:

  • grouting must be done at temperatures between 5 to 35˚C. Epoxy grouting is not recommended and it is better to carry out grouting by cooling down the environment and the components of epoxy grout.
  • Never keep the material before mixing under direct exposure to sunlight
  • The maximum thickness of grout EP3 in each step 100 mm and the minimum thickness is 10 mm.
  • The temperature of the mixture while implementing should be 20 to 25˚C. The efficiency of grout reduces by increasing the temperature.
  • Regarding the exothermic property and reaction of the epoxy grout, avoid making a grout that lasts more than 20 minutes.
  • The grouting tools must be cleaned with a suitable solvent right after finishing the operation.
  • Never dilute the grout material with a solvent.


Physical and Chemical Specifications of the CapGrout EP3:

Physical State and Color:

  • Component A: Clear Liquid
  • Component B: Amber Liquid
  • Component C: Gray Powder

Specific Weight at 20˚C Temperature:

  • Component A: 1/14 ± 0/02 g/cm3
  • Component B: 1/02 ± 0/02 g/cm3
  • Component C: 1/90 ± 0/05 g/cm3
  • Mixture: 1/80 ± 0/05 g/cm3
The advantages of the hardened grout:
Safety Precautions When using the CapGrout EP3:
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