Internal Waterproofings-CapcoProof WPC

Permeability Reducing Admixture / Crystalline Water-Proofing Liquid (CapcoProof WPC)

CapcoProof WPC is a Permeability Reducing Admixture / Crystalline Water-Proofing Liquid (Crystalline Damp-Proofing) of the concrete. This product is based on organic compounds which make crystals in the capillary pores of the concrete during the cement hydration process. These crystals do not prevent the concrete to breathe but avoid the water to be absorbed into the concrete.

This product is produced based on the general Iran National Standard No. 2930-1 and the performance requirements of table 9 of the Iran National Standard No. 2930-2. Also, this admixture meets the requirements of Table 1 of the EN 934-1 standard and the requirements of table 9 of the EN 934-2 Standard.

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The advantages of using the CapcoProof WPC in concrete:
The usage of the CapcoProof WPC in concrete:
Range and Method of Using the CapcoProof WPC in Concrete:

Permissible Range for Using the CapcoProof WPC in Concrete:

The allowable range for using The CapcoProof WPC is from 1% to 3% of the cement content (1000 to 3000 grams per 100 kg of cement material weight including cement, silica fume, slag, fly ash, and other similar pozzolans). The concrete mix design, the thickness and volume of the section, and the required amount to reduce permeability are the main indices to determine the amount of using this admixture. The optimum amount of this admixture is obtained by considering the aforementioned indices and carrying out the required tests in the laboratory.

Note: This product only damp-proofs the concrete with high quality; i.e. in case of an improper mix design, a lot of porosity, and large capillary canals, this admixture is not able to damp-proof the pores. Therefore, a proper mix design and a standard implementation of concrete are the first conditions to damp-proof the concrete, and the damp-proofing materials act as complementary.

How to Mix the CapcoProof WPC with concrete:

The CapcoProof WPC must be added to the mix in the batching plant while mixing other components in the mix or the truck mixer in the plant. Besides, the following notes must be taken into consideration:

  • Mix the concrete for 2 to 5 minutes after adding the admixture and assure the uniform distribution of the admixture in the concrete.
Physical and Chemical Specifications of the CapcoProof WPC:
Safety Precautions When Using the CapcoProof WPC:
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