Surface Waterproofing-Penetral S80

Crystalline Waterproofing Coating (Penetral S80)

Penetral S80 is a water-based salt solution that, by penetrating the surface of concrete, creates crystals inside the capillary pores, leading to the waterproofing of the desired concrete surface.

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The advantages of using the Penetral S80:
The usage of the Penetral S80:
The instructions to use the product:

1- Surface Preparation: Ensure that the entire surface is thoroughly cleaned from contaminants such as dust, oil, loose particles, mold, grease, and other impurities.

2- Application: This product can be applied using a spray, roller, or brush. The typical consumption is usually one kilogram per 2 to 3 square meters for concrete surfaces. It’s important to note that the exact consumption should be determined by testing on-site. Additionally, after completing the job, tools should be quickly cleaned with water.

Physical and Chemical Specifications of the Penetral S80:
Safety Precautions When Using the Penetral S80:
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