Concrete and Tile Adhesives-Tilex® H100

Ceramic & Tile Adhesive / Powder (Tilex H100)

Tilex H100 is a ceramic and tile adhesive based on Portland cement improved by a polymer. This product will be resistant to moisture after drying with respect to the polymers used in the product.

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This product is produced based on the Iran National Standard No.12492-1. Also, this product meets the requirements of the EN 12004-1 Standard.

The advantages of using the tile adhesive
The usage of the tile adhesive
The instruction to use the product:

The amount of using the Tilex H100 is 2 to 4 kg per 1 square meter depending on the condition of the surface beneath the work (The porosity and roughness).

  • Surface preparation: The desired surface must be cleaned from contaminations like dust, oil, and other dirt.
  • Mixing to implement on the floor: Mix each 20 kg powder with 4.5 to 5.5 liters of water and continue mixing to reach a uniform and homogenous paste. Finally, rub the adhesive paste on the tile with a grooved chisel on the surface. The Tilex H100 must be used within 60 minutes after mixing with water. Also, the installation of tile on the surface should be accomplished within 20 minutes. The temperature beneath the work must be 5 to 40˚C for installation. Joint the tiled surface 24 hours after the process is finished.
  • Mixing for implementation on the wall and slick surfaces: Due to the need for higher flexural strength and bonding, the mixing is accomplished like the floor for the wall and slick surfaces. Besides, an approximate amount of 1.5 to 2.5 liters of CapcoBond MO40 or 121 must be added to each 20 kg Tilex H100 packet.


  • The subgrade of implementing tiles and the instruction to apply the adhesive on it must be in a way that at least 60% of the back of the tile is covered with adhesive paste.
  • Only mix the adhesive with CapcoBond MO40 in case of having better waterproofing and higher strength against moisture.
  • Using this adhesive in swimming pools, bathrooms, and restroom floors without mixing with CapcoBond MO40 is not recommended.
Physical and Chemical Specifications of the Tilex H100:
Safety Precautions When using the product: